Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The 21st Century Sinatra

How Jay-Z has Revived Hip Hop for the Next 20 Years

I recently made a trip home to spend Thanksgiving with my parents who live in a small New Jersey town about 7 miles west of New York City. We went through our customary holiday ritual by piling into one car and making our way down the New Jersey turnpike to grandma’s house for an afternoon of turkey, football, booze, reminiscing and laughter. My grandmother had just celebrated her 90th birthday the Sunday before and, with all due respect, one could notice that the years were taking their toll on her. This once commanding, self-empowered, beautiful black woman who raised fifteen foster children during a time when it was difficult for an African American woman to raise herself now struggled to feed herself. To peek into the mind of this woman who had seen such change over the last 70 years would be priceless. I remember when my brother Jordan and I were children, this woman would single handedly prepare a Thanksgiving meal that would rival any chef in terms of pure love of preparation and timing. Believe me when I say that the love that she put into each dish was manifested twice over in its appearance and taste. Everything from the turkey to the sweet potatoes to the macaroni and cheese were so delicious and succulent that I couldn’t help but smile while I ate. While Grandma hasn’t run the kitchen in quite some time her daughters, my aunts, have more than picked up the slack and this year was no exception. After a great meal and a few hours of catching up with the extended family, we decided to make our way home.

Upon arriving at our parent’s home, my brother made the suggestion to attend a post T-day party on the upper east side via a text message he'd received from a friend earlier in the day. The idea of going to a party seemed to be just the reason to make the trek into Mecca, even if the party was on the upper east side. Jordan elected to push and as soon as we hit route 3 East, out came the Blueprint III and into the cd player it went. I hadn’t heard any of the tracks up until this moment and needless to say there are more than a few that are nothing short of incredible. I’m particularly taken with the song entitled Every Day A Star is Born. This is a work in which the venerable king of hip-hop turns around and flaunts his prowess by paying homage to some of the most influential hip-hop superstars such as Diddy, Ma$e, The Wu Tang Clan, Snoop, Eminem and Dre as well as up and coming artists such as Young Jeezy, Drake and Lil’ Wayne. Jay is also quick to give credit to this new generation of hip-hop royalty even going so far as to let a North Carolina newcomer named J. Cole wrap up the track with an original verse. This track appeals to me particularly because its creative theme centers on a testament of praise to colleagues. I can’t tell you how refreshing it is to hear such a perspective especially in a genre of music where its artists have been historically known to assassinate each other's character. He even has the grace to acknowledge the influence of Mob Deep despite the infamous Summer Jam incident of 2001 involving Prodigy.

As we made our way down the ramp of the 495 leading to the Lincoln Tunnel, I was yet again overcome by the breathtaking skyline that you momentarily catch across the Hudson River even if only for the a moment. But for a bit of toll booth traffic, we quickly found ourselves in the city quickly making our way up town, I noticed how empty the city was. Of course this should be completely understandable considering that it was Thanksgiving night. There wasn’t but a few cars on the street and, except for a few people walking their dogs and some newly formed inches off their waist, the sidewalks were barren. It was the quietest I remember ever seeing the city.

We were just turning onto 73rd Street off 1st Avenue when I heard Empire State of Mind for the first time and it reminded me of the first time I heard U2’s One in terms of how here is an already world renowned act right on the verge of iconic status whose newest release vaults them to the next level. I only got to hear it once before Jordan located a parking spot down the street from the party. As he killed the engine, I contemplated whether or not to him go on alone while I stay in the car and listen to the track again.

We stayed at the party for about an hour indulging in a drink and a bit of flirting with a couple models from Oklahoma who had just celebrated their first year in the city that never sleeps. Both had landed pretty big commercial contracts through their booking agents in the last month. Their youthful confidence and humble enthusiasm are endearing. It's not long before we decide to pay our respects and head downtown for a drink. The expression on my face as we made our way back to the car is one that my brother didn’t need to interpret with too much effort. We get into the car and without saying a word he went directly to track number five. Jordan decided to go west 57th street before heading south. We casually make our way without a care in the world then south passing through Times Square. We are engulfed in the commercial spectacle of lights, billboards. I saw for a moment where Alicia Keyes might have gotten some inspirationto belt out one of the best chorus verses I’ve heard in a long time and memories of some of the best time I’ve had while in the city came flooding back.

There has been a traditional argument in favor of the artistic credibility of hip-hop that proposes the craft as a progressive form of poetry. While I find that this point of view is valid, there is one weakness that previously prevented from me from wholeheartedly embracing it. Traditional works of poetry or at least those worth remembering provide an underlying meaning beyond work's phrases that compel one to critically interpret what is being conveyed. Basically, you have to think about the piece in terms of how it relates too you. It is the establishment of this personal relationship to the work that opens the gateway to understanding its aesthetic importance to society as a whole. I didn't think that majority of hip-hop spoke beyond the confines of a unilateral experience. It seems as though every major star within the genre had the same story..harsh upbringing, having to fend for oneself early on, but equipped with a major ambition, smarts and courage to get something better by any means necessary, touched up with a warning to those who'd stand in their way. Is all hip-hop like this? Absolutely NOT. However, with the exception of a select few such as Common, Talib Kweli etc. the ones that get the radio and club play weren't talking about much else. And while the formula, to an extent,still works, I just think that hip-hop was capable of so much more. Then I heard Empire State of Mind and realized that hip-hop music is indeed evolving and doing so in a way I couldn't possibly imagine.

One of the reasons we’re so moved by the seductive prose of Shakespeare’s sonnets or the anger of racial alienation from Langston Hughes or the empowerment from Maya Angelou is because each artist evokes an emotion that provide a universal characteristic that allows the work to be identified by all. You don’t need to have an intimate knowledge of being in love or being African-American, gay or a woman to understand the power of any of the aforementioned artists’ message. It is this personal definition of what truly makes a great work of poetry that validates how Jay-Z’s work (which I am sure was not achieved without the incredible talents of several collaborators) realizes the importance of hip-hop within the grain of the American cultural standard. Hip-Hop is as much a quintessential symbol of the American ideology as Eugene O’Neil or blues or apple pie or well…New York City It is this cultural actualization which makes hip-hop more important a genre than its ever been.

The rise to prominence of Mr. Carter's career is also truly American in terms of it being completely self-made. The significance of the Blueprint series is a culmination of an artist who originally couldn't find a label to sign him. The series embodies a carefully mapped out journey as to how one can rise up through the rejection of the music industry only to achieve success on one's own terms. Think about that the next time you resign to give up your dream. Empire State of Mind is the coronation theme, if you will, of this success and serves as the not only the new cornerstone of hip-hop music but a new standard of modern music period. Empire State of Mind is an artistic triumph and it’s brilliance is what will help carry the standard of modern music for the next 20 years. Moreover, it takes the art of hip-hop music to a new level of relevance within the aesthetic construct of what the world identifies as any form of artistic expression. While that realization may be one that some don’t want to embrace, their feelings can't hinder it's truth. This is what Jay-Z and Ms. Keyes manifest with such intent and purpose which is why it is the new anthem of the greatest city in the world.

The aesthetic brilliance of Empire State of Mind is comparable to So What, Pusher Man and New York, New York all rolled into one melodic anthem complimented by a chorus from Alicia Keyes that combines the grace of Ross and the spunk of Streisand simultaneously. Now, I’m not the biggest fan of hip-hop. The lyrics of certain songs that lend to the social apathy of violence and misogyny are enough to put anyone who understands the true issues facing urban youth off the music it has come to so altruistically represent. However, the cultural and social relevance of Jay-Z’s lyrics, especially on this track, provide an insight into the heightened examples of observed social behavior and is done in such a way that one is forced to stand up and take notice. More importantly, the observations from the Empire State of Mind center on the most influential city of the modern age. The raw and visceral nature of this melodic commentary is never more prevalent than during the third verse in which he speaks of the young and innocent who travel to the harsh concrete jungle with dreams only to have to compromise their morals to survive. He is just as candid speaking of the unwavering pitfalls that face all who dare make their name in the world’s most unforgiving city as he is to give it the praise and glory for which its inhabitants have worked, built, cried and bled so much. He keeps it 100% and it’s truth resonates with every beat.

Jay-Z is one of a number of hip-hop artists who have taken the trend of incorporating live bands, entire orchestrs and a wide variety of samples ranging from jazz to folk to rock 'n roll only to evolve the genre in a completely fresh and new direction. This creative strategy which insists on breaking down genre based barriers has not only created a new life for hip-hop music but brought a rejuvenated interest into the brilliance of these original works. A whole new generation of musician has since been inspired to investigate the source of the samples and discover a new world. While Empire State of Mind might not fit into this particular category, it is one of more than a handful of songs that our grandchildren will listen to and praise as a classic. One of them might even be so moved in the way Miles Davis was when, as a child back in St. Louis, he used to listen to the “Harlem Rhythm” radio program which inspired him to learn jazz. And we all know how that turned out, don’t we?

Here is an incredible live version of the song performed and Alicia Keyes' World's AIDS Day Concert. Is Ms. Keyes as talented as she is beautiful or what? WOW...

Here it is:


As always, I welcome any feedback or questions?

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Racism or Overeaction???

If this is your first time reading my blog, I think it would be best to emphasize that I am the last person on this earth who is going to pass judgment. Having made my fair share of mistakes, I have realized that everyone is fallible and, although society somehow seems to thrive on the activity, one should never pass judgment. Unless they are at the place of whatever event people are judging as it’s happening, one never truly knows. Even then, I have learned that you believe half of what you see and none of what you hear. In keeping with this mantra, I am always inclined to give people the benefit of the doubt until I have heard every side of the story. Even after all the info is presented to me, I like to wait for a while before developing any final thoughts. Believe me, it’s only after repeatedly jumping to conclusions or impulsively judging with emotion and having to humbly eat my words later on that has brought me to adhere to this rule of thumb. So when I first heard of the situation regarding the arrest of Henry Louis Gates Jr., one of the most prominent academic figures in, not only the African American community but the American community at large, I knew better than to jump to conclusions regarding the situation.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with Mr. Gates’ academic profile, here is just a small sample of the man’s accomplishments. Henry Louis Gates Jr. is the Alphonse Fletcher University professor and the director of the W.E.B. Du Bois Institute for African American and African Research at Harvard University. He is editor in chief of the Root.com, the first on line scholarly resource in the field of African American and Africana studies. He has also co-edited Africana: The Encyclopedia of the African American and African Experience. He is also co-editor of the eight volume biographical encyclopedia African American Biographical Encyclopedia which was published by Oxford press in 2008. He has produced numerous award winning documentaries for PBS to include, my personal favorite, “African American Lives Part 1 and 2.” His numerous books have earned him much deserved respect not to mention prestigious accolades such as the American Book Award. Having written for respected publications such as Time magazine, The New Yorker and The New York Times, he has long been viewed as one of if not the authority on the African and African American historic experience in all of its forms.

To say that Mr. Gates is an academic heavyweight would be an understatement. Muhammad Ali might have “handcuffed lightning, thrown thunder in jail” but it is the acumen and heightened perspective of people such as Mr. Gates who would most likely make the charges stick. In other words, one could argue that Mr. Gates is just as influential to the collective psyche of African America as icons such as Mr. Ali. It is because of the importance and influence of Mr. Gates that I must respectfully and humbly question exactly why Mr. Gates reacted in the way he did following the events of a couple of weeks ago. Now, again, I am not judging the actions of Mr. Gates. If anything, I can empathize with the situation in which he’d found himself. Frankly, I’m sure you could as well. Imagine coming home from a long overseas journey as he did right before the incident occurred. For the last thirty-six hours, you have dealt with long lines, delayed flights, possibly customs issues, bad airline food. You’re tired because haven’t been able to sleep with all the turbulence from the flight and you just want to get to your bed. Finally, you show up to your home only to realize that you have locked yourself out? Needless to say, we would all be a little perturbed by the situation and vulnerable to some kind of emotional breakdown. Did that happen? I don’t know, I wasn’t there. What I do know is that it is very possible that all the aforementioned scenarios could have been factors in Mr. Gates reacting the way that he did. There could also be events transpiring in the man’s life of which we are unaware. This situation was exacerbated by the nature of the situation carrying the suttle implication of racial profiling. And still, even taking all this into consideration, I still am compelled to question Mr. Gates' behavior. Yes, one could argue that Sgt. Crowley, the arresting officer, could have acted with a bit more restraint. Initially, that is what I thought. Then I read the police report. Assuming that the report is not a forgery, it seems that Mr. Gates was given several chances to abstain from the verbal abuse he was directing at the officer before the arrest took place. Even if you view the police report from a skeptical point of view and subscribe possibility that the officer wrote it out the way he did as a means of covering his own culpability, the fact is that I would expect more from a man who will be remembered as one of the most insightful and revered historians of our time than I would a cop. Even if Sgt. Crowley was in the wrong regarding this particular situation, which I’m not sure he was, the burden of tolerance lies on the shoulders of Mr. Gates because he is, if for no other reason, a person of tremendous inspiration. Youths of all backgrounds would do right by adopting him as a mentor or even role model. Thus, that influence can only be truly realized through dignity and grace…two virtues which I have lacked on more than one occasion and you probably have as well. Unfortunately, I think so has Mr. Gates in this situation. It comes down to a misunderstanding gone terribly wrong. But the person responsible bridging the gap of misunderstanding is not the one wearing the badge. It’s the role model.

I am really interested in your feedback. Please feel free to comment on this post or contact me via Twitter.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Social Network Giving Out Free Shares of Ownership

From late June 2009 me2everyone is going to be a cool new website where you can meet friends, chat, shop, play, watch videos, create an art gallery, open a virtual newspaper, play the free inworld lottery and make money from your own online store!


You and everyone you know make the decisions, shape the world, create real incomes and share in the profits. It’s a new place where you meet new people or invite your friends. Learn new skills or expand your business. Find the love of your life or help the planet.


Oh and the great part is that every member also has the option to become a shareholder in me2everyone PLC - a British company all without spending a single penny! me2everyone is free now, free forever. They are about to recruit 70,000 people to run their own customer care business too so if you know anyone that needs some extra work, this could be ideal for them!If you are looking for something really good in 2009: something that changes your view on the world, then you really have to spend just one minute and look at this website. This is an excellent chance for all of us to make some real progress in 2009 and beyond! Please do not miss it.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Are Doctors Lying About the Cure for Cancer?


An “insider” revealed today that the “World of Medicine” is scamming people – and even worse: with the help of “law-makers!” It seems that “money” (as usual) has blinded doctors and medical practitioners to the degree that they are now willingly *suppressing* the truth regarding cancer – its control, management, and even its cure! That’s right: “cure!” And what should shock you even more: It seems that it’s against the law to say the word “cure” when describing anything that actually cures you. Yet it’s very much okay to say that something “treats” or helps “offset” the symptoms of some health condition or disease. But if you say “cure” (and even including when you in fact have a real and bona fide cure for something and can even prove it!) you can get arrested.

Ever wonder why we have a “healthcare” industry and not a “healthcure” industry?
It’s simply because no one’s out to “cure” anyone because there’s little money in doing so.
Instead, keeping you sick and marginally pain-free is all anyone’s really out to do for you these days – as doing so means you being “forced” to buy all the same drugs over and over again, and again, and … (you get the point!)

Of course, if a cure came along it would mean you buy it one time, and then you’re cured – and that’s that (over and done!) But a number of doctors, philanthropists, and just plain old “good folks” armed with “real answers” and “real solutions” are stepping up and are NOT afraid of “Uncle Big-Bully Brother!”

One courageous fellow by the name of Melford Bibens, CPT, is doing exactly this, as he’s helped many people overcome “naturally” the dreaded disease of Cancer!
Not only that, but Melford has lectured and personally helped individuals beat the disease to the point that proven sufferers have actually gotten re-diagnoses as “no longer having the disease at all!” (Something that’s pretty much always been ruled out as a possibility altogether! – and now which may even be against the law!)
But it’s not certain how long Melford will be allowed to do this because “Uncle Sambo” has actually started using “Gestapo” tactics whereby people and businesses truly offering “cures” have been raided with masked armed police who even go to the point of forcing customers in the stores to get down on the floor at gunpoint!
So, if you’re wise and want to find out about this while it’s still possible for you to do so, then just visit this link now:
~~~> http://bit.ly/BeatCancer
But don’t be surprised if one day soon you return to find this site completely removed with a US Flag waving in its place (in the name of “freedom” no less!)

Friday, June 26, 2009

5 Profitable Websites in just 6 minutes - and with 1-click!

I just found out that there’s a brand new Membership site that has 5 websites you get that make money for you automatically – and you can get them in just 6 minutes from now – all with just 1-click!
You can literally get 5 powerful websites that are already making money!
I’m NOT joking – I’ll show you PROOF in a moment!
But what you need to know most is this:
You get…
5 amazing websites!
5 websites that convert sales automatically!
5 websites that forcibly put money directly into your pocket!
5 websites that are run by another firm for you (and at NO charge!)
5 websites that continue to promote for you over & over!
5 websites that grow & cultivate 5 separate proven lists!
5 websites that function automatically (so you never run it!)
And 5 websites that you get Free HOSTING for!
And again, they all come in a very easy-to-use Members Area you get your own private Username & Password LOGIN to!
>> My advice would be to move on and get there FAST!
It’s rumored that the husband and wife couple who operate the sites may either LIMIT how many people are allowed in, or at the very least “choke” down the flow of new Members so as not to let just anybody get in.
I also heard that they may stop offering anymore “5-Site Set” Memberships after some time (and without notice) just to keep competition “alive and well” (but who really knows?)
Regardless of which, it’s my understanding that once you’re in, *YOU’RE IN!* (So I wouldn’t waste time if I were you, or worse still: I WOULD NOT RISK IT!)
I just happen to have the link in case you’re smart and want in just like me and the few others who’ve found this so far:
~~~> http://bit.ly/fivesite
**Just DON’T be shocked in case when you get there they’re closed to any “NEW” Members!
(But just don’t say I didn’t warn you!)

Monday, June 15, 2009

Are Doctors Lying About the Cure for Diabetes?

“The People” have had enough apparently!

An “insider” revealed today that the “World of Medicine” is scamming people – and even worse: with the help of “law-makers!” It seems that “money” (as usual) has blinded doctors and medical practitioners to the degree that they are now willingly *suppressing* the truth regarding diabetes – its control, management, and even its cure!
That’s right: “cure!”

And what should shock you even more is how it seems that it’s against the law to say the word “cure” when describing anything that actually cures you. Yet it’s very much okay to say that something “treats” or helps “offset” the symptoms of some health condition or disease.
But if you say “cure” (and even including when you in fact have a real and bona fide cure for something and can even prove it!) you can get arrested.

Ever wonder why we have a “healthcare” industry and not a “healthcure” industry? It’s simply because no one’s out to “cure” anyone because there’s little money in doing so. Instead, keeping you sick and marginally pain-free is all anyone’s really out to do for you these days – as doing so means you being “forced” to buy all the same drugs over and over again, and again, and … (you get the point!) Of course, if a cure came along it would mean you buy it one time, and then you’re cured – and that’s that (over and done!)

But a number of doctors, philanthropists, and just plain old “good folks” armed with “real answers” and “real solutions” are stepping up and are NOT afraid of “Uncle Big-Bully Brother!”
One courageous fellow by the name of Melford Bibens, CPT, is doing exactly this, as he overcame “naturally” the dreaded disease Diabetes! Not only that, but Melford has lectured and personally helped individuals beat the disease to the point that proven sufferers have actually gotten re-diagnoses as “no longer having the disease at all!” (Something that’s pretty much always been ruled out as a possibility altogether! – and now which may even be against the law!)

But it’s not certain how long Melford will be allowed to do this because “Uncle Sam” has actually started using “Gestapo” tactics whereby people and businesses truly offering “cures” have been raided with masked armed police who even go to the point of forcing customers in the stores to get down on the floor at gunpoint!
So, if you’re wise and want to find out about this while it’s still possible for you to do so, then just visit this link now:


But don’t be surprised if one day soon you return to find this site completely removed with a US Flag waving in its place (in the name of “freedom” no less!)

Lucky Few are Buying $1 Million Homes for Just 2%

There's a new "secret" that a lucky few have already found that's enabling them to literally buy houses that ordinarily sell for around $1 Million or more - but now for just $1,997 or LESS!
There are 3,141 counties in the United States, and each one possesses this exciting new opportunity whereby anyone with as little as $100 to seldom more than $5,000 can buy homes ordinarily valued from $30,000 to in quite a number of cases above $5 million! - and for just 1% to rarely above 5% their selling costs! And the BEST part about this is that you can be located anywhere and still buy any home you want - even if you're 3,000 miles away or more! But, you don't have to visit the county you buy the homes in - instead, you can do it all from the comfort and privacy of your home using just your tiny 'ole mouse!

This is what makes this such a wonderful opportunity, in that you can go online to some select websites, then pick and choose the properties you want, and then get them for between 1%-5% at most. No matter what happens you make money! You basically buy a homeowner's tax lien certificate because he or she wasn't able to pay their property taxes. They by law must pay you anywhere from 16% to as much as 50% in interest - and in many cases they must pay you back within as little as 6 months.

But, if they can't pay you back, YOU own their home free and clear (and for what usually amounts to just 1% of the house's actually selling value!) Now, at this point you can either keep the house for yourself, or you can swiftly turn around and resell it (in any economy, good or bad!) to banks, lenders or individual buyers answering your little classified ad! - and where you make a killing!

The site that has all the facts as to how you can do this from your laptop or PC is here:


But I wish to strongly encourage you to take action and go there as it's rumored that they are going to withdraw this exciting opportunity as soon as they reach the maximum number of "members" they can handle.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Hour Voice Needs to Be Heard

Welcome and thanks for taking the time out to visit my blog. Well, I suppose I should say our blog. The purpose of this blog is to provide a completely objective platform for anyone wishing to voice their opinion, ideas and concerns. No issue is irrelevant and opinions of all kind, so long as they're tastefully expressed, are welcome.

I will be posting the first HV topic of comment in the next couple of days but any ideas on which topics to cover will be more than welcome.